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美国TOPS POWER EAGLE 12深山老鹰开山刀
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美国TOPS POWER EAGLE 12深山老鹰开山刀(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM001773
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  • 用户评价: comment rank 5



购买美国TOPS POWER EAGLE 12深山老鹰开山刀请扫描此二维码

美国TOPS POWER EAGLE 12深山老鹰开山刀




For hundreds of years, people have been surviving utilizing machetes as a source of income, food, shelter and a self-defense tool. TOPS designer Leo Espinoza took that tool and preface, combined with a kukuri and bolo, and put it on steroids with a highly flexible impact resistant steel... and very comfortable indestructible handle ergonomics, so that the Bushman, Explorer or Outdoorsman can use it all day long, without handle fatigue.

Whether using it to clear a trail, build shelter, or for military or survival applications, this is definitely an important and easy tool to use. Hacking and whacking, it makes short work of most anything that gets in its way. However, the limp wristed need not apply, this is a real man's tool.

This is not your normal hacking hamburger flipper, there is a whole lotta knife here! Possibly the most effective defolient since Napalm. This large knife is truly a mix of the best of two historic and trusted knives, in both design and action.

TOPS POWER EAGLE 12的设计者是LEO ESPINOZA(狮子), 他出身在深山老林,从小爬山打猎,捕鱼。他用自己的聪明才智和不断地精益求精,是自己成为了一个顶尖极品新刀具制造商的老师。TOPS公司多年生产的几乎所有的产品中都有他的直接影响。他是一个高大文雅的家庭男人,受到刀具社团的尊敬,他的朋友对他非常了解并对他的专业技巧非常感激。他幽默,忠厚,工作勤勤恳恳。他是TOPS公司的骄傲。
刀型: TOPS直刀
刃材: 1095高碳钢
柄材: 米卡塔材质 
全长: 44.8厘米
刃长: 30.5厘米
刃厚: 0.65厘米
硬度: 59-61HRC
重量: 725克
品牌: 美国
产地: 美国
刀鞘: 原厂刀鞘



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