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Cold Steel 美国冷钢 1860 88HCS 重型骑兵刀
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Cold Steel 美国冷钢 1860 88HCS 重型骑兵刀(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM001955
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  • 用户评价: comment rank 5



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Cold Steel 美国冷钢 1860 88HCS 重型骑兵刀




At the outbreak of the American Civil War, there were two types of sabers issued to the Federal Cavalry: ''light'' and ''heavy''. The light version was popular, but the heavy model, dubbed the ''Old Wrist Breaker'' was the one worth owning, as it was a superior weapon. Its 36'' blade offered big reach advantages over most sabers, and its substantial weight gave it the leverage to easily crush bones and sever limbs or even a head with a single blow. The brass guard had three bars to protect the hand and the grip was wire bound leather and capped with a sturdy pommel. In its double ringed, steel scabbard, it could be easily attached to a saddle or to a belt.

The Cold Steel 1860 US Heavy Cavalry Saber features a sharpened 1055 carbon steel blade with a hard spring temper. The guard is brass with a leather covered, wire wrapped grip. Includes a steel scabbard with hanging rings.

Overall Length: 41 5/8''(全长大约106厘米) Blade: 35 1/2''
Weight: 2 lb 6.9 oz
Edge: SHarp
P.O.B.: 6 3/4''
Thickness: 8.6 mm - 3.2 mm
Width: 31.8 mm
Grip Length: 4 1/8''
Pommel: Nut 


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