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Cold steel美国冷钢 CS88CLMS 西洋剑羊皮剑鞘
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Cold steel美国冷钢 CS88CLMS 西洋剑羊皮剑鞘(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM000535
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  • 用户评价: comment rank 5



购买Cold steel美国冷钢 CS88CLMS 西洋剑羊皮剑鞘请扫描此二维码

Cold steel美国冷钢 CS88CLMS 西洋剑羊皮剑鞘

The Colichemarde emerged on the sword scene in the late 1600's during the decline of the Rapier and the rise of the small sword. Its long suit was its uniquely shaped blade that was extra wide at the forte then stepped down or narrowed for the rest of its length before ending in a wicked point. The advantage of this configuration was it allowed the sword to be used to parry or oppose even the heaviest weapons without breaking, yet remain light and supple enough to take full advantage of its lightning quick point.
Our president Lynn C. Thompson has long been an admirer of the Colichemarde due to its great versatility in attack or defense so we enlisted the aid of our good friend Dave Baker, and made our own modern interpretation. True to form, our blade mirrors the original design concepts with an extra long and wide forte that abruptly tapers down to an acute and deadly point. The hilt features a decorative, yet highly functional, double shell guard, complete with finger loops and knuckle bow, while the grip is completely wire wrapped and capped with a matching pummel. Additionally, we have also taken the liberty of creating a matching dagger with a stiff, beautifully ground and polished blade, double quillons, and wire wrapped handle.

型 号: 88CLMS 
全 长: 1000mm
刀 长: 820mm 
刃 材: 1055
硬 度: 59-60HRC
表 面: 缎面处理
刃 厚: 6mm 
刀 鞘: 羊皮剑鞘+不锈钢配件 
重 量: 810g


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