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ColdSteel美国冷钢 88RLG JADE LION GIM大马士革钢玉獅长劍
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ColdSteel美国冷钢 88RLG JADE LION GIM大马士革钢玉獅长劍(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM000673
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  • 用户评价: comment rank 5



购买ColdSteel美国冷钢 88RLG JADE LION GIM大马士革钢玉獅长劍请扫描此二维码

ColdSteel美国冷钢 88RLG JADE LION GIM大马士革钢玉獅长劍

 The concept of the guardian lion emerged in China over 1800 years ago during the Han Dynasty. The lion, fierce, courageous, loyal and swift, was the perfect symbol to guard home and hearth. Both decorative and symbolic, it was common to see elegant sculptures of these lions guarding the homes of the wealthy and aristocratic or even the gates of the Imperial Palace and the tombs of the Chinese emperors.

Our Jade Lion series draws upon the same protective reputation, combining ceremonial, "dress" styling with "battle ready" performance. This makes them appropriate for collectors specifically as well as martial artists in general.

The watchful Chinese lion motif is cast in nickel-sliver with almost sculptural detail on the heavy guard and pommels. This provides a compelling contrast to the elegant jade green color of the cord wrapped handles and matching rosewood scabbards that are covered in highly polished samé (ray skin) that's dyed to match the handles. The most attention grabbing feature, however, are the blades themselves. Forged by hand and expertly tempered from our finest Damascus steel, their distinctively subtle swirl pattern bespeaks the elegant beauty of fine craftsmanship combined with the incomparable strength of Damascus steel.

 The Lion Gim is a civilian self-defense Wen Jian (Scholar's Sword), with a little more panache than the practical versions (like our own Gim Sword) that were made for the battlefield. In our tests it severed and pierced 4" bamboo poles with a single cut or thrust.

 A perfectly scaled down version of the Gim, it shares the same design, materials and exquisite craftsmanship of its larger counterpart. It’s perfectly balanced, big and strong enough to stand on its own or fight alongside its bigger brother.

中國劍有兩種基本形式,一種稱文劍,另一種則稱為武劍。文劍較輕,通常用於個人防衛或裝飾;武劍較重,攻擊力強大。Cold Steel所製作的這款玉獅劍,綜合文、武劍的特質,讓收藏家不只可將它當做華麗的擺飾品,也可真正用來練習武術強健體魄。

鎳銀合金製的獅頭護手,是這把劍之象徵處所在,翠綠色繩柄,以及染綠的魟魚皮(ray skin)包鞘,呼應名稱中「玉」字所帶給人的感受。這把劍刀刃是手工打造大馬士革鋼,仔細端倪就會發現其上細膩刀紋。

型 号: 88RLG 
全 长: 920.75mm 
刀 长: 762mm 
刃 材: 大馬士革鋼
硬 度: 58HRC 
表 面: 手工研磨
柄 长: 158.75mm 
重 量: 899g 
柄 材:  玫瑰木+镍银装具+柄卷 
刀 鞘:玫瑰木+鲛鱼皮+镍银装具


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